Wedding Gift Registry Tips

02/15 Posted by

Do not wait to complete your wedding gift registry until the last minute before your big day. You do not need to have your list complete immediately, but it is wise to have a selection for guests to begin browsing... Read More

Tips for Making Your Wedding Guest List

deciding on a guest list
02/15 Posted by

Making your wedding guest list will likely be one of the most difficult tasks during the wedding planning process. Given all of the forces like budgetary constraints, reception site considerations and parental opinions, how many people to invite and exactly... Read More

The Do’s & Don’ts of Wedding Toasts

02/14 Posted by

If you’ve been given the title Maid of Honor or Best Man at your friend’s wedding, you are generally expected to make a toast during the reception. Using the tips below, you can wow the crowd. Do’s Practice. Practice. Practice.... Read More